Saturday, July 30, 2011

Mini Cabrio John Cooper Works

Mini Cooper Cabrio JCWPode-se dizer que existem dois tipos de conversíveis no mundo dos carros, pelo menos a julgar pelas propostas. O teto aberto traz sempre a mesma ideia de liberdade, mas um roadster traz dois lugares e desenho bem agressivo, exclusivo dele, gerando impressão de ousadia e desprendimento por parte do seu dono.

Já um cabriolet em geral é mais uma versão de outro modelo já existente, e traz quatro lugares. E estas diferenças já são suficientes para lhe dar outro perfil: a liberdade para eles é com mais gente, mais para diversão do que aventura, até porque sugere que vai receber a família do dono junto consigo.

Logo, se um carro de imagem como o Mini Cooper precisava de uma versão sem teto, seu charme de “bonitinho” só poderia ser aproveitado por um Cabrio. O interessante foi que a marca decidiu que um Mini cabriolet poderia sim ser mais apimentado, e resolveu estender o preparo John Cooper à versão que chega atualmente no país.

A ótima vendagem da marca por aqui motivo a chegada da nova versão por R$ 149.950, que traz os mesmos atributos do hatch JCW, e com isso ganha uma personalidade fascinante. O visual foi incrementado com os adesivos de listras, rodas aro 17" e o kit aerodinâmico, enquanto o motor é o mesmo 1.6 turbo de sempre, mas com melhorias que lhe fazem render 211 cv.

Isso faz o pequeno cabriolet ir de 0 a 100 km/h em 6s9 e chegar a uma máxima de 235 km/h. Todo esse desempenho gera uma empolgação correspondida pela cabine completíssima, que preza pelo luxo mas também pela segurança, ao trazer sistema de freios retrabalhado, controles de tração e estabilidade e sistema anticapotamento, além de capota com acionamento elétrico.

Read more > Mini Cabrio John Cooper Works

Enabling Blogger on Google Apps domains

For Google Apps accounts, access to Blogger is controlled by the domain administrator.  This article shows why domain administrators may want to turn off Blogger access, for their domains - and describes how to enable Blogger access if required.

Blogger and Google Apps Domains

MediaWiki-blokiPreviously I've described Google Accounts,  the difference between Google and Google Apps accounts, and the work being done to resolve conflicting accounts.  

People who have Google accounts can use Blogger by going to   But for Google Apps account users, access to Blogger is controlled by the domain administrator.  There are reasons why domain administrators may not want their users to have Blogger.    But there may be times when it is appropriate, so this post shows how to enable Blogger access, too.

Why limit Blogger access:

Reasons why domain administrators (from commercial companies at least) might not want to allow their users to use Blogger with their domain account, include:
  • It doesn't feel like work:
Other Google products accessed with domain accounts can be set to use the domain-owner's logo.  So they look like a company tool, even though they're provided by Google.   This reminds people that they should only use the accounts to do things that are appropriate "at work".   But Blogger cannot (currently) be set up in this way - people who are using it may forget that they are using a work / organisation tool, and may be tempted to publish personal material using the account.
  • Access control:
Firstly, there is currently no way to use Blogger to publish a blog that can be read by everyone using the domain, and not seen by anyone outside it.    This means that Blogger cannot be used for company businesses that should not be shared outside the company.    (The closest option in Blogger is to set up a private blog and invite people to read it - but there is a maximum of 100 invitations ever, and besides this option does open some security holes.)
  • What happens when people leave
In well-managed companies, when a person leaves their domain account is deleted (perhaps after a month or two, in case they come back).    If someone has made a document or blog using domain account, and that domain account is deleted, then it's likely that the document or blog will be deleted too.   This isn't such a big deal for documents:  they can be transferred to other accounts.    But even though there is a procedure for transferring ownership of blogs, there are some items commonly found inside blogs (eg pictures, videos) that cannot be transferred given the tools that Google offer at the moment.

No Blogger access at all?

There may be times when it is appropriate to allow people to access Blogger through your domain accounts.

Currently, this is all-or-nothing:  either you give access to everyone or no one.   Google Apps doesn't have a way to let you give access to small group of your users.

Alarm Clock 3If you want to give access, follolw the  procedure outlined below.    However note that it's possible to turn access off again as quickly as it was turned on.   If you do need to allow access to let a person "rescue" a blog that is attached to a domain account, it should be easy enough to arrange a limited time with them, during which they can log on, and at least give another, non-domain, account administrator access to the blog.

Also, this isn't about blocking all access to from the workplace.   It's only about what people can do with their "company" domain account.   If someone really wants to use Blogger at work and/or for work purposes, they can still set up a separate Google account and use that for Blogger (provided the overall security policies let them do so).    This account is an asset that needs to be managed (just like their office keys, credit card, work mobile, official Twitter account, Facebook page access, etc) - it's just not inside your domain.

How to turn on Blogger access in your domain
  1. Go to the Google Apps control panel, and sign in to the domain-management function.
  2. Log in, using an account with domain administration rights.

  3. Go to the Organization & Users tab
  4. Switch to the Services sub-tab
  5. Scroll down to the Other Google Services category
  6. Note the Terms of Service issue described on the screen - only continue if this does not cause a problem for your company etc.
  7. Find Blogger in the list   (it's currently 2nd in my list, so easy to find).
  8. Click the On button beside Blogger, so it goes green.

  9. Click the Save changes button at the bottom of the list.

This will allow every user in your domain to use Blogger, by logging in to with the domain account that you set up for them.

Related Articles:

Procedure for transferring blog wnership

Understanding Google accounts

The difference between Google and Google Apps accounts

Resolving conflicting Google and Google apps accounts.

Restricting your blog's readers isn't as secure as you'd imagine

Setting up your custom domain
Read more > Enabling Blogger on Google Apps domains

Adding animated twitter bird

In this blog tutorial, I will show you how to add animated twitter bird to blogger. This is a very interesting thing that you should implement it for your blog. By implemeting the animated twitter bird, you would likely get more followers and posts being shared as the flying bird can generate more impressions. See demo here . You need to follow the steps below:
  1. Go to Design / Template  >>  Edit Templates  >> Tick the Expand Widgets box
  2. Find the tag </body>
  3. Place this code right above the </body>
  4. <!-- Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger--> <script src='' type='text/javascript'> </script> <script type='text/javascript'> var twitterAccount = &quot;Blog_onBlogspot&quot;; var tweetThisText = &quot; <data:blog.pageTitle/> : <data:blog.url/> &quot;; tripleflapInit(); </script> <a href='' target='_blank' title='Blog On Blogspot'><span style='color:#fff;font-size:11px;position:absolute;'>Gadget</span></a> <!-- Twitter Bird Widget for Blogger-->
  5. SAVE the Template
Read more > Adding animated twitter bird

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Putting a custom +1 button into your blog

You can add a custom version of Google's +1 button to your blog, just like  Facebook's Like button.  It can go in under the title bar in the post-header or beside or below each post.  Or it can be a gadget.   And the "plus one" function can apply to  an individual post or your whole blog.   

[Updated Jul 2011 to link to the asynchronous version of the code.] 

What is Google's +1 button

+1 is Google's answer to Facebook's Like button - or at least that's what Google are hoping.

They first announced it in March 2011, and have now added it to the standard sharing buttons for Blogger.

The big difference between +1 and Like is where the results appear:
  • Like shows up in counts in the Like button and inside Facebook in the feed from the person doing the liking.    
  • +1 shows up in Google search results - it's still not clear if this is just in search results for your "friends" (however they're defined) or if it shows in search results for everyone, or how much influence it will have on search-result.  

Adding +1 if you don't use Blogger's standard sharing buttons

Provided you're willing to accept the disadvantages of editing your template, it's easy enough to add a customized Tweet or Facebook share button to your blog.

Adding a customised +1 button is very similar.   Just follow these steps:

1   Go to the +1 button configuration page Webmaster Central.

2   Choose the basic settings you want:  pick button size, annotation and language

So far, I've used the medium (20px) size, as it seems to fit best with the other share-items that I've added before.   You should be able to see it at the top of the page if you're reading this article through a web-browser.   Note that this option is slightly smaller than the default "standard" option.

Annotation is about how your number of +1s is "noted" in the button - choose the different options and watch what happens in the preview to see which one you want to use.  Or choose None if you don't want the button to show a count.

3  Click on Advanced options, and decide what you want to to apply the +1 function to:
  • If you want to to put the +1 button where it can be used to on the individual post URL rather than your whole blog, then put some text like PUT-URL-HERE into the "Url to +1" box.   
  • If you want readers to +1 your whole blog, just enter your blog's web-address (ie URL) into the "URL to +1" box.  
    (NB It may be possible to leave it blank in this case, but I'd rather specify exactly what URL to use, in case anyone hits +1 from an archive page or similar, which has a separate URL).

    5   Copy the HTML shown.

    The code provided is in two parts.  The first section is what you put into your blog whereever you want the +1 button to appear.   The second part starts with a comment:  "<!-- Place this tag after the last plusone tag -->".   This means that:
    1. You only need to put the code underneath that line into your blog once, and 
    2. The place to put it is immediately after the last time you put the +1 button code into your blog.  Iif you only add the button once, then put after that time.   

    6   Add it to your blog in the same way that you would add add any other share-this-to-whatever social sharing button, except --- if you want the button to recommend individual posts not the whole blog, then before you save the change, replace the PUT-URL-HERE part of
    href="PUT-URL-HERE"    (or whatever text you used)

    What your viewers will see:

    Visitors who see your blog in their web-browser (not through an RSS feed reader) will see a new button wherever you choose to put it.   (People who read your blog thru feed aggregators, or by email subscription, won't see it.)

    When someone clicks the button, what happens depends on whether they are logged in to a Google account at the time, and whether that Google account has a public profile.

    I'm not even going to try describing all the options possible as yet (or this will never get published!) but you are welcome to try the one at the top of this article to see how it works

    Later on, as the button starts to be used enough to provide meaningful data for Google, potential viewers who see you site listed in Google search results will start to see counts of the number of times that other people have "plus-one'd" you in their search results.

    Related Articles:

    Putting a Share this to XXXX button onto your blog

    Advantages and disadvantages of editing your template

    Putting a "tweet this" button on your blog

    Connecting your blog and the social networks

    Understanding Google accounts
    Read more > Putting a custom +1 button into your blog

    Peugeot 307 2012

    3071O 307 de novo? Mas se o sedã virou 408, cadê o tão prometido hatch 308? Não, ainda não é dessa vez que vamos voltar à sintonia com a Europa. O veterano hatch médio chegou à fase de se voltar ao custo/benefício para continuar atraente até a chegada do sucessor. E este sim é o que vai voltar a focar no estilo agressivo típico da marca, mas combinado a um espaço interno quase tão generoso quanto o de uma minivan.

    Peugeot 307 2012Não se pode negar, porém, que o modelo atual ainda tem seus talentos. Se suas linhas volumosas já perderam o brilho de outrora, ele se vale de não ter vendas massivas para preservar um certo requinte de imagem que Astra e Golf, por exemplo, perderam há tempos – com o detalhe de que o segundo insiste em não o assumir, e é tratado pela marca como um modelo que nunca sairá do auge.

    A cabine continua unindo espaço primoroso com linhas elegantes, mas ganhou lista de série mais recheada: a básica Presence 1.6 16v soma sensor de chuva e crepuscular e retrovisor interno fotocromático a ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica, freios ABS, airbag duplo, rodas aro 15” e faróis de neblina, por R$ 53.490.

    Presence Pack 1.6 16v é o nome da versão média, que já tinha teto solar elétrico, sistema de som multimídia com comandos satélite e rodas aro 16”, e ganhou ar-condicionado digital bizona com sensor de qualidade do ar, por R$ 57.930. E a topo-de-linha Feline passa a se chamar Premium 2.0 16v, e ganha bancos de couro de série, por R$ 64.890.

    Read more > Peugeot 307 2012

    Animation for Recent Post Gadget

    In this tutorial, we will learn how to make an animation for the Recent Post gadget. As you can see an example here, it looks quite attractive, isn't it?. When the recent posts keep changing the positions, it can actually draw attention from visitors, thus more posts will be read, and visitors will probably stay longer on your site. You can see the instruction below:

    1. Go to Page Elements / Layout  >>  Add a Gadget  >>  HTML/Javascripts
    2. Place this code into the content box
    3. <style type="text/css"> #rp_plus_img{height:377px;} #rp_plus_img li {height:60px;padding:5px;list-style:none; background-color:#ffffff; border:solid 1px #000000;} #rp_plus_img a{color:#00000;} #rp_plus_img .news-title{display:block;font-weight:bold ;margin-bottom:4px;font-size:11px; text-align:justify; -moz-border-radius: 5px;} #rp_plus_img img{float:left;margin-right:14px;padding:4px;border:solid 1px #00000;width:55px;height:55px;} </style> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript" src=""></script> <script type="text/javascript"> var speed = 1500; var pause = 3500; $(document).ready(function(){ rpnewsticker(); interval = setInterval(rpnewsticker, pause); }); </script> <ul id="rp_plus_img"> <script style="text/javascript"> var numposts = 5; var numchars = 0; </script> <script src="/feeds/posts/default?orderby=published&alt=json-in-script&callback=rpthumbnt"></script> </ul><small><a href="" target="_blank"><span style="color:#fff;">get this widget here</span></a></small>
    4. SAVE
    Read more > Animation for Recent Post Gadget

    Monday, July 25, 2011

    Honda Fit 2012

    Fit1Os modelos da Honda são conhecidos por apresentar um regime de mudanças diferente do que se costuma praticar no Brasil. Em geral, as marcas mantém um mesmo projeto por cerca de dez anos, e apenas lhe dão re-estilizações leves a cada três ou quatro, mudando desenho da dianteira e traseira e aplicando mais equipamentos por versão, para que se mantenha competitivo frente à concorrência até que surja o sucessor realmente novo.

    Honda Fit 2012Já a marca japonesa não hesita muito em trazer os modelos mais novos para cá, mas eles em geral esperam até o sucessor sem face-lifts. E é o caso do Fit, que chega à linha 2012 exatamente como chegou à atual geração. A única mudança, na verdade, é que a versão de topo, EXL, passa a ser oferecida somente com o câmbio automático CVT.

    Ou seja, temos DX (R$ 51.805), LX (R$ 54.905) e LXL (R$ 57.860) com o 1.4 de 100 cv e 13 kgfm de torque, enquanto EX (R$ 61.715) e EXL (R$ 71.720) trazem o 1.5 16v de 115/116 cv e 14,8 kgfm. Todo Fit traz de série ar-condicionado, airbag duplo e direção elétrica, e a opção do CVT sai por R$ 4 mil.

    Read more > Honda Fit 2012

    Sunday, July 24, 2011

    How to add Twitter button to blogger

    Twitter has become so popular with more than 200 million users, and about 350 million tweets per day. This trend has made most of bloggers approaching Twitter to gain more loyal readers by adding Twitter share button, and Twitter following button. Therefore, in this tutorial, I will share the tip about Twitter buttons for blogger. That is how to add a Twitter button to Blogger. You can follow some steps below:

         1.  Go to Layout / Page Elements  >>  Add a Gadget  >>  HTML/Javascripts (if you don't know how to add a gadget, you can see addind gadget to Blogger)

         2.  Copy and paste this code into the content box:
    <a href='' title='Follow me on Twitter'><img alt='Follow me on Twitter' src='your twitter icon URL' /></a>
         3.  Change the red code to your Twitter username ; and blue code to your Twitter button image.

         4.  Save

      There are some Twitter button examples here, you can use them if you'd like to.

      You have learned how to add Twitter button to Blogger, and you may also like to learn how to add floating share button to blogger if you want drive even more traffic generated by your readers. Or just simply return to Blog On Blogspot to get the latest tips.

      Read more > How to add Twitter button to blogger

      Saturday, July 23, 2011

      How to remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

      Sometime, Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) are quite annoying to you if you never need it. So, you want to get rid of this as soon as possible. I support you because I don't have to use it also. Now, I will show you how to remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom). This tip is very simple, and it takes no more than a minute to accomplish as long as you follow correctly the steps below:

      1. Go to Layout / Template (for new blogger) >> Edit Template >> Tick on the Expand Widget Templates box (remember to back up your template first)
      2. If you just want the Subsribe to: Posts (Atom) disappear for sometime, add this code just above the   ]]></b:skin>     :
      3. .feed-links { display:none; } 
      4. If you want to get rid of it forever, find this code , then delete it
      5. <b:include data='feedLinks' name='feedLinksBody'/>
        <b:include name='feedLinks'/>
      6. SAVE the template

      Read more > How to remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom)

      JAC J6

      J61E a JAC continua investindo forte no Brasil. Dessa vez resolveu tentar a sorte com os níveis mais altos, lançando a vistosa minivan J6 já em duas versões: a de cinco lugares sai por R$ 58.800 e a Diamond, com sete, custa mil reais a mais. Ela inicia suas vendas aqui com certa vantagem porque vai enfrentar rivais já bem defasadas, em especial as famosas Chevrolet Zafira, Citroën Xsara Picasso, Renault Scénic, e a mais jovem Nissan Grand Livina.

      JAC J6Seu estilo é obra do estúdio da própria JAC, e mantém forte identidade com o J3 ao usar os faróis pequenos e distantes dos modelos menores. Pelo menos as laterais e traseira apresentam um ar moderno e agradável. Já a cabine esbanja uso de dois tons que lhe confere certo requinte, além de poder levar cinco ou sete ocupantes, dependendo da versão.

      Seu motor é um 2.0 16v de 136 cv só a gasolina, que a leva de 0 a 100 km/h em 13s1, segundo a marca. E ela atrai pelo clássico atrativo dos carros chineses: o pacote de série não tem opcionais, e já inclui de série airbag duplo, ar-condicionado digital, direção hidráulica, sistema de som multimídia, freios com ABS e EBD, trio elétrico e rodas de liga leve aro 16”.

      Read more > JAC J6

      Friday, July 22, 2011

      How to change blog title tags

      Today, I will show an esay tip that can make your blog post likely listed in Google search results. And this has been implemented by many bloggers already. But if you haven't done this, it would be useful for you. As you can see an example below for my blog:

      Which one is better? The first one is absolutely the best because Google would read your blog post title first, then blog title (in the first one); and if your blog title is too long, it would be a big disadvantage for you if your blog is still displaying as the second example. Thus, now I will guide you how to change blog title tags in every blog post. You can see the instruction below:
      1. You're in , go to Template
      2. Scroll down until you find Backup/Restore Template >> Click on it, then Download full template
      3. Click on Edit Template >> Tick the Expand Widget Templates
      4. Find this code (to find it, press Ctrl + F)
      5. <title><data:blog.title/></title>
      6. Replace it with this code
      7. <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'> <title><data:blog.pageName/> |<data:blog.title/></title> <b:else/> <title><data:blog.pageTitle/></title> </b:if>
      8. Click Save Template
      Note: if you just want to show the post title only which can even make your blog posts ranked higher in search engine, you can replace 
      with the following code
      <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == &quot;index&quot;'>
          Read more > How to change blog title tags

          How to make a contact form

          For a large online business, they need to make a contact form by themselves. However, for most of bloggers, they want to use contact form already made from a service. This is because we would rather spend time on other things than wasting time on building such a contact form. Hence, I want to share some free contact form that you can get easily with you, and may steer you away the time wasters.


          Read more > How to make a contact form

          How to add rss feed to blog

          RSS Feed has become so popular because of its usefulness. It ties bloggers and their readers together as it updates the latest posts from a paticular blog and bring it to the blog's readers. For a normal readers, they just need to get the updates and read it themselves. On the other hand, for bloggers like as you and I, we can also use RSS Feed as a secret weapon to attract our readers by updating the latest interesting information from elsewher. If you just need to know how to add an RSS Feed icon to your blogger, you can see How to add Rss Feed icon to blog. Today, I will show you how to add RSS Feed to blog. Just follow the instruction below:
          1.  You're in, go to Layout >> Add a Gadget (a pop-up window will open)
          2. Scroll down until you see Feed >> Select Feed
          3. Add RSS Feed URL from your favorite blog (to get the URL, go to your target blog, click on the Feed icon, then copy the URL from your browser address bar)
          4. Click Continue >> SAVE
          Read more > How to add rss feed to blog

          How to add rss feed icon

          Today, I will show you how to add rss feed to your blog. This tip is quite simple, and easy to follow. You can see the instruction below. If you have any problems while doing this, please don't hesitate to leave a comment below this post, I will response as soon as I can.
          1. You're in, go to Layout >> Add a gadget
          2. Find the HTML/Javascripts
          3. Copy and paste this code into the content box
          4. <a href="YOUR FEED URL" target="_blank">
            <img src="YOUR RSS PICTURE URL" border="0" />
            You can get some RSS icon at
          5. Click SAVE
          Read more > How to add rss feed icon

          Thursday, July 21, 2011

          Volkswagen Polo 2012

          Polo1O primeiro Polo a chegar aqui não teve vida fácil nem muito longa. Veio na então moderna geração 3 somente como o sedã Classic para suceder de uma vez aos fracassados “autolatinos” Apollo, Logus e Pointer. Mas o preço alto, as poucas versões e talvez até a construção argentina fizeram o modelo perecer rápido na sina da VW de não conseguir emplacar um sedã nacional depois de ter retirado o primeiro Voyage.

          VW Polo 2012Os alemães não desistiram, porém. Pelo contrário, investiram pesado e trouxeram o Polo 4 para cá com produção nacional, e novamente com o apelo de ser “igual em todo o mundo”. Experimentos fracassados à parte, agora sim ele acabou fazendo seu sucesso, mais porque ajudou a criar a categoria premium no país. E depois de alguns anos a Europa mudou levemente o seu modelo, e nós também.

          Entretanto, o alarde de modelo mundial foi tão grande que hoje em dia a marca parece pagar pela boca que teve. A VW alemã lançou o Polo 5 novamente renovado por inteiro, mas este tipo de mudança sempre sai custosa demais para que os países mais pobres mantenham o preço do anterior. Logo, depois de algum tempo a África do Sul inventou um curioso face-lift para o antigo, e hoje em dia é o que chamaríamos de Polo 4,5.

          Em essência, a frente só ganhou novos parachoque e grade, esta claramente inspirada nos modelos mais recentes da marca, e a traseira teve o seu parachoque redesenhado. De resto, o hatch (R$ 44.390) adotou lanternas com um detalhe preto de extremo mau gosto, e o sedã (R$ 47.770) teve as lanternas pintadas de vermelho, e ambos ganharam faróis com máscara negra e novas rodas.

          Sua cabine ficou mais recheada: todo Polo agora traz de série airbag duplo, ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica e freios ABS, entre outros. A gama ficou mais enxuta também: a tecnologia do E-Flex foi incorporada pela BlueMotion, e a GT também sai de linha, fazendo o motor 2.0 virar opção na Sportline (R$ 54.790) – esta traz novos detalhes visuais. Também permanecem os motores 2.0 e 1.6, este com opção do câmbio I-Motion.

          Read more > Volkswagen Polo 2012

          How to add read more to blog

          Sometime you want to add a read more function to your blog home page because it doesn't look cool if you only have one (few) posts in the home page; and when visitors first time land on your blog, they just only see your very single post (if your post is too long). Does it look right to you? Actually, there are quite a few tutorials out there where you can learn to add the read more function to your blog. But in most of them, you have to use the tag  <span class="fullpost"></span> every time you write a blog article. It's quite inconvenient, isn't it? Therefore, today I will show you how to add read more to blog just by one click. Just follow the instruction below:

          1. You're in, go to Template (on the lower left sidebar)
          2. Scroll down to the end >> Backup/Restore Template >> Download Full Template 
          3. Click on Edit Template >> Tick the Expand Widget Templates box
          4. Press Ctrl + F , and type  " ]]></b:skin> "
          5. Just right above it, copy and paste this code:
          6. /*READ MORE*/ .jump-link a { background: #ffff00; padding: 3px; color: #fff; } .jump-link a:hover { background: #000000; padding: 3px; color: #ccc; }
          7. Place this code between the ]]></b:skin> and </head>:
          8. <!--READ MORE--> <b:if cond='data:blog.pageType != &quot;item&quot;'>     <style>     .post-body img {     img {     max-width: 100px;     width: expression(this.width &gt; 100 ? 100: true);     float: right;     }     </style>     </b:if>
          9. In the search box, type " <data:post.body/> " or " <p><data:post.body/></p> " if you use custom template
          10. Place this code right below <data:post.body/> or <p><data:post.body/></p>
          11. <!--READ MORE--> <b:if cond='data:post.hasJumpLink'> <div class='jump-link'> <span style='float:right; font-weight:bold;'><a expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#more&quot;'><span><a expr:href='data:post.url + &quot;#more&quot;'>Read more &gt;&gt;</a></span></a></span> </div> </b:if>
          12. Click SAVE Template
          13. To add read more: Just after your introduction paragraph, click on the "break" icon located above the content box like this.
          If you can't follow the instruction, just leave a comment below. I will sort it out for you. Best luck !
          Thank you for dropping in this blog and reading my tip.
          Read more > How to add read more to blog

          Different blog post background in each blog post

          Hi all bloggers, have you thought of styling blog post background in your every blog post. If No, you don't have to continue to read this post, and you may discover some interesting posts inside this very lovely blog (for me i think :)). This tip is not too hard for a newbie, so don't think that you can't do it. All you need is that.... just follow some simple steps below:

          1. You're in, go to Create a new post
          2. Click on HTML (there are Compose and HTML options on the top left corner)
          3. Copy and paste this code into the content box (if you just want to change the background color)
          4. <div style="background:YOUR COLOR CODE GOES HERE; padding:5px 10px 5px 10px;"> WRITE YOUR CONTENT HERE </div>
            You can get color codes at
          5. Copy and paste this code into the content box (if you want to change the background image) 
          6. <div style="background:url(YOUR IMAGE URL HERE) no-repeat;"> WRITE YOUR CONTENT HERE </div>
            Image background examples: 
              5.  Click Preview to check the result, then Publish or Save
          Read more > Different blog post background in each blog post

          Tuesday, July 19, 2011

          How to make a block quote

          Block quote is commonly used to reference a long passage from other in a comprehensive and interpretative format. Block quote is alos used as an evidence for someone to prove something. As its ease of use, block quote has soon become popular over the internet. You can probably see it in most of blogs you have visited. For bloggers, we use block quote to share the codes as well. So how to make a block quote? To make it you just need to use the simple tag:


          I wanted to say thank yous
          To all of you who read my poems
          And leave your comments and reviews
          Which to me are precious gems

          Gems that make me a better writer
          See everything I think of goes into my poetry binder
          And I only keep writing because of all of you
          For helping me be better at what I do


          It will become like this:
          I wanted to say thank yous
          To all of you who read my poems
          And leave your comments and reviews
          Which to me are precious gems

          Gems that make me a better writer
          See everything I think of goes into my poetry binder
          And I only keep writing because of all of you
          For helping me be better at what I do
           Sometime the block quote default design doesn't look right to you, so you can customize it by reading how to customize a block quote or return to the home page to get the latest tips

          Read more > How to make a block quote

          How to customize blockquote style

          In this tutorial, I will show you how to customize blockquote style in blogger. I will do all of these changes in CSS style. By using CSS, we can change the look of the blockquote such as changing margin, background, colour, padding, etc..So, you just need to follow the steps below:

          1. Go to Layout >> Template >> Download full template >> Click on Expand Widget Template
          2. Press Ctrl + F, search for " .post blockquote ", you will see something like this:
          .post blockquote {
          margin:1em 20px;
          .post blockquote p {
          margin:.75em 0;

          If you use custom template, and cannot find it, search for " .entry blockquote " ; it looks very similar with the codes above.

        1. I have a few examples, so just replace the codes in Step 2 with the code in each example

          1. EXAMPLE 1:

            .post blockquote {
            margin: 1em 3em;
            padding: .5em 1em;
            border-left: 5px solid #fce27c;
            background-color: #f6ebc1; }

            .post blockquote p {
            margin: 0; }

            EXAMPLE 2:

            .post blockquote {
            margin: 1em 20px;
            padding-left: 50px;
            background: transparent url( no-repeat; }

            EXAMPLE 3:

            .post blockquote {
            margin: 1em 2em;
            border-left: 1px dashed #999;
            padding-left: 1em; }

            .post blockquote p:first-letter {
            float: left;
            margin: .2em .3em .1em 0;
            font-family: "Monotype Corsiva", "Apple Chancery", fantasy;
            font-size: 220%;
            font-weight: bold; }

            .post blockquote p:first-line {
            font-variant: small-caps; }

            EXAMPLE 4:

            .post blockquote {
            background: #ffffff url(;
            background-position:top center;
            margin: 6px 6px 6px 6px;
            padding: 8px 36px 8px 40px;
            font-size: 14px;
            4. Click SAVE and check result. If you don't know how to add a blockquote to your post you can see How to make a blockquote

            Enjoy !

            Read more > How to customize blockquote style

            How to customize next and previous post link

            Today, I am going to walk you through how to customize next and previous post link. As we know, there are "Older Posts" and "Newer Posts" located in every blog which can make readers stay longer in your blog. But, is it attractive enough to draw visitors' attentions? I would recommend you change this. It won't take long to customize the next and previous links, so just follow the steps below:

            1. Go to Layout >> Template >> Download the full template >> Click on Expand Widget Templates
            2. Press Ctrl + F, and find this code:
            3. <data:newerPageTitle/>
            4. Replace it with: NEXT POST  or this code if you want to show an image:
            5. <img src="YOUR--IMAGE--ADDRESS--HERE" />
              We've added a NEW POST link, now we'll change the PREVIOUS link
            6. Find this code:
            7. <data:olderPageTitle/>
            8. Replace it with PREVIOUS or this code:
            9. <img src="YOUR--IMAGE--ADDRESS--HERE" />
              Now we'll do the same for the HOME PAGE
            10. Find this code: (note: there are two similar code, use the first one)
            11. <data:homeMsg/>
            12. Replace it with HOME PAGE or
            13. <img src="YOUR--IMAGE--ADDRESS--HERE" />
            I have these cool NEXT and PREVIOUS post link icons, you can use it also:



            Read more > How to customize next and previous post link

            Adding gadgets to Blogger

            Blogger has been well known since it was launched by Pyra Labs in August 23, 1999. Blogger has millions of active users which include you and I. Moreover, more and more new users have switched from other services to Blogger. Therefore, I would guess some of you may not know some of the basic tips in Blogger. This thought has encouraged me to walk you through some basic tips. Note: if you're an blogger guru, you shouldn't see this post. The first tip I want to show you is that adding gadgets to Blogger. If you want to know the latest tips in this blog, just simply to the home page of Blog on Blogspot. To add a gadget to a Blogger blog is quite simple, so it wouldn't take you much time. You just need to follow these steps:

            If you're using the Old Blogger with its ugly blue skin, you can follow this tutorial.
            If you want to use Blogger's new cool design, you can follow the steps below:

            1. Log in into your Blogger in
            2. Select your Blog by clicking on the Blog name, you will see something like this
            3. Click on Layout (on the left sidebar)
            4. Click on Add a Gadget (where you want to add your Gadget in you blog); a pop-up window will open 
            5. Choose your a Gadget you want to add (if you cannot find the gadget you want to add, just the search box at the top right corner). I've listed some of the best Gadgets in Best Gadgets for Blog, so you can see it as an idea.
            6. For example, I will choose Follow by Email Gadget
            7. Click Save, then Click SAVE arrangement (on the top right corner)

            I hope you will enjoy blogging in Blogger. Go to the front page to learn more
            Read more > Adding gadgets to Blogger
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