Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Adding gadgets to Blogger

Blogger has been well known since it was launched by Pyra Labs in August 23, 1999. Blogger has millions of active users which include you and I. Moreover, more and more new users have switched from other services to Blogger. Therefore, I would guess some of you may not know some of the basic tips in Blogger. This thought has encouraged me to walk you through some basic tips. Note: if you're an blogger guru, you shouldn't see this post. The first tip I want to show you is that adding gadgets to Blogger. If you want to know the latest tips in this blog, just simply to the home page of Blog on Blogspot. To add a gadget to a Blogger blog is quite simple, so it wouldn't take you much time. You just need to follow these steps:

If you're using the Old Blogger with its ugly blue skin, you can follow this tutorial.
If you want to use Blogger's new cool design, you can follow the steps below:

  1. Log in into your Blogger in draft.blogger.com
  2. Select your Blog by clicking on the Blog name, you will see something like this
  3. Click on Layout (on the left sidebar)
  4. Click on Add a Gadget (where you want to add your Gadget in you blog); a pop-up window will open 
  5. Choose your a Gadget you want to add (if you cannot find the gadget you want to add, just the search box at the top right corner). I've listed some of the best Gadgets in Best Gadgets for Blog, so you can see it as an idea.
  6. For example, I will choose Follow by Email Gadget
  7. Click Save, then Click SAVE arrangement (on the top right corner)

I hope you will enjoy blogging in Blogger. Go to the front page to learn more



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