Thursday, July 21, 2011

Different blog post background in each blog post

Hi all bloggers, have you thought of styling blog post background in your every blog post. If No, you don't have to continue to read this post, and you may discover some interesting posts inside this very lovely blog (for me i think :)). This tip is not too hard for a newbie, so don't think that you can't do it. All you need is that.... just follow some simple steps below:

  1. You're in, go to Create a new post
  2. Click on HTML (there are Compose and HTML options on the top left corner)
  3. Copy and paste this code into the content box (if you just want to change the background color)
  4. <div style="background:YOUR COLOR CODE GOES HERE; padding:5px 10px 5px 10px;"> WRITE YOUR CONTENT HERE </div>
    You can get color codes at
  5. Copy and paste this code into the content box (if you want to change the background image) 
  6. <div style="background:url(YOUR IMAGE URL HERE) no-repeat;"> WRITE YOUR CONTENT HERE </div>
    Image background examples: 
    5.  Click Preview to check the result, then Publish or Save



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