Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Removing dynamic templates from your blog

Dynamic templates can be removed from your blog - but be careful if you want to keep any gadets etc that were on your blog before it went dynamic.


Previously, I've described the initial version of dynamic templates for blogger, and the second release.

This 2nd version is a lot better integrated with the rest of Blogger, but it has some consequences for many other parts of the system.

In particular, if you want to go back to using a design or layout template there is a real risk of losing all your previous gadgets if you aren't careful how your remove the dynamic template.

Dynamic view template = no Design option in the dashboard drop down

One effect of choosing a Dynamic template for your blog is that the Design option is not on the main-menu drop down in the dashboard in the new, the post-Sept-11 Blogger interface.

Instead, there is just Template, which takes you straight to the Template designer:  this happens because, unlike layout or designer templates, you have no control over the layout of a blog with dynamic template, and cannot edit the HTML behind it.

If you want to have this level of control, including being responsible for the consequences of editing your template, then you need to remove the dynamic template, and switch back to a regular one.

How to remove a dynamic template from your blog:

When you have chosen a dynamic template, there is an option in the Design screen to " Revert to previous template".

If you click this link, your blog template goes back to how it was before you applied the designer template, including all gadgets and layout customisations.


If you choose "revert to previous template", and then pick a different designer or layout template before saving, then you will lose all gadgets and customisations that are not on the "standard" version of the new template.

The moral of the story:  always back up before making major changes to your blog.   (And even then I'm not 100% convinced you will be able to restore your gadgets to exactly how they were.)

NB   Any posts you have made in the meantime are kept - it is simply the template that is changed here, not the blog contents.

Disabling dynamic views for your blog:

In new-interface-Blogger, I cannot see any way to turn Dynamic views off.

In pre-Sept-11-Blogger, there is still an option to turn Dynamic views off, under Settings > Formatting.

This is still relevant, because people can see your blog using dynamic views, even if you haven't chosen a dynamic template, by using   (although this may not work for blogs with custom URLs)

Related Articles:

Dynamic templates, version I

How to enable a dynamic template for your blog

Letting your readers the ability to see your blog in dynamic views.

Advantages and disadvantages of editing your blog's template

Giving your readers the option of using dynamic views

Types of template in Blogger
Read more > Removing dynamic templates from your blog

Dynamic templates: turning them on in your blog

This article is about the 2nd version of dynamic templates that Blogger have released:  what they are, how to add them to your blog, and what restrictions they have.

Announcing Dynamic Templates, part II

In March 2011, Blogger announced Dynamic Views, and I posted describing them, and telling you how to give your readers the ability to see your blog in dynamic views.

Today, they've announced them again (without acknowledging the previous announcement!).  This time with a few differences:
  • There are seven templates (instead of five)
  • Some templates allow for blogs that don't have great photos in every post
  • You can set your blog up so that visitors automatically see it using one of the dynamic-view templates:  it's just another option in the template designer (see Setting up your Blog to use a Dynamic Template, below).
  • Most (all?) templates include some gadgets: search, RSS feed link, link to Blogger, and regular sized +1, Tweet and Like buttons (instead of the anorexic ones in regular designer templates at the moment)

There are still restrictions:  blogs must be public, with RSS site feeds enabled.

And there are still lots of things missing:   for example, blog-owners have no control over gadgets or layout, fonts or color scheme (even though the announcement says this is coming, I cannot find where to access it).

You cannot add gadgets to a blog with a dynamic template.   So you cannot install Google Analytics, or AdSense or any other sort of advertising.  That said, this help article does say that Blogger will continue to support AdSense for blogs that already have it, so the work around may be to use a regular designer template, put in some ads, and then switch to a dynamic template.

Setting up your Blog to use a Dynamic Template

To make a dynamic view the default option for your blog:

1)  Check that it is public,

2)  Check that the RSS site feeds is switched to full or jump-break

2)  Choose Design > Template Designer (pre-Sept-11 interface), or Template from the dashboard drop-down (post-Sept-11 Blogger)

3)  Choose Dynamic from the list of options   (if it's not in the list, then post probably your blog doesn't meet one of the conditions above.

4)  From the row underneath, choose which of the options (ie dynamic template types) you would like as a default.


Removing a dynamic template from your blog - be careful, don't lose your gadgets!

Related Articles:

Dynamic templates, version I

Letting your readers the ability to see your blog in dynamic views.

Changing the colours in your blog

Why RSS matters, and how to enable it

Installing Google Analytics into Blogger

Setting up AdSense for your blog
Read more > Dynamic templates: turning them on in your blog

Hyundai Elantra

Elantra1A evolução das marcas coreanas vem impressionando bastante. A Hyundai já havia trazido o Elantra e o Sonata ao Brasil na reabertura das importações. Mas assim como as conterrâneas, ela trazia modelos sóbrios demais, talvez pelo medo de ser a estreia por aqui. Felizmente, bastou que elas se firmassem neste lado do mundo e cada uma começou a manifestar suas próprias tendências de estilo. É o caso da Hyundai, que agora apresenta o melhor Elantra já produzido.

Hyundai ElantraClaramente inspirado no Sonata, sua profusão de linhas de início causa estranheza, mas basta contemplá-las um pouco mais que tudo parece fazer sentido, e gerar um modelo muito bem-esculpido. E toda essa modernidade chega partindo de R$ 71.700 para combater com outros sedãs médios, como o esportivo Peugeot 408, o estiloso Renault Fluence, o sóbrio VW Jetta e o consagrado conservador Toyota Corolla, além de vários outros rivais que esperam atualizações.

Se seu preço inicial é salgado, o sedã compensa no pacote de equipamentos. A versão básica já traz ar-condicionado bizona, sistema de som multimídia com comandos satélite, airbag duplo, freios ABS e sensor de estacionamento. A versão logo acima agrega airbags laterais e de cortina, bancos de couro com regulagem elétrica, alarme e controle de estabilidade. Com o detalhe de que as mais caras trazem câmbio automático.

O Elantra também surpreende na parte técnica. Seu 1.8 16v traz duplo comando de válvulas e gera excelentes potência e torque de 160 cv e 18,2 kgfm. Tanto o câmbio manual como o automático possuem seis marchas. A versão média sai por R$ 81.800, e a topo na verdade é a anterior mas com teto solar, por R$ 84.200 e sempre com o mesmo motor.

Read more > Hyundai Elantra

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Volkswagen Tiguan 2012

Tiguan1E os alemães da Volkswagen aplicaram o uniforme atual da marca a mais um modelo. Lentamente os traços do atual Golf europeu (de ata geração, enquanto o nosso ainda é o quarto maquiado grotescamente) foram contagiando um a um de quase todo o resto da gama, e agora o Tiguan aproveita essa oportunidade para dar uma energia extra à geração atual, que já chega à meia-vida na Europa e aqui passa a custar R$ 110 mil, já refletindo o aumento de IPI mas compensando ao trazer sempre um pacote de itens bem recheado.

E por que chamar de “uniforme”? Porque essa linguagem de estilo vem sendo seguida extremamente à risca, todos os modelos têm o mesmo desenho de farol coma mesma grade preta ligando aos dois e um parachoque com tomadas de ar no mesmo formato, além do capô mais elevado no centro. Cada modelo visto por si só fica realmente muito bonito, mas ao ver tantos com uma frente que só se diferencia nas proporções de tamanho de cada carro acaba banalizando a estrutura rápido demais, fica cansativo de ver. E isso até impede que os modelos tenham todo o apelo de novidade que deveriam ter.

VW Tiguan 2012Por outro lado, padronizar melhorias técnicas é sempre bemvindo. Isso fez o Tiguan manter o excelente conjunto, que oferece mimos como o 2.0 TSI de 200 cv com câmbio automático de seis marchas, e a tração integral 4Motion, que distribui o torque em cada eixo segundo a necessidade… Mas também lhe trouxe novidades. É o caso dos faróis com luz diurna em LEDs, touchscreen no console central, e do Park Assist II. Este interessante sistema detecta se a vaga encontrada é adequada, e em caso afirmativo (como por exemplo ter a partir de 80 cm a mais que o carro) o próprio carro se encarrega dos movimentos de volante, cabendo ao motorista apenas acelerar e frear.

Read more > Volkswagen Tiguan 2012

Monday, September 26, 2011

Nissan Sentra SR

Nissan Sentra SR“Nós também temos um sedã médio!”, “Não vá ainda para Civic, Corolla ou Focus!”, “Nós já temos fábrica no Brasil e tudo, por que só as nossas vendas ainda são tão ruins?”… Esses devem ser os clamores silenciosos da Nissan que motivaram o lançamento de mais uma série especial do Sentra. Dessa vez limitada a 800 unidades, seu preço varia entre R$ 57.490 e R$ 62.790.

Também lançada em México, Estados Unidos e Canadá, a série aposta numa roupagem esportiva para o mesmo sedã de sempre, de projeto moderno, motores eficientes e ótima cabine mas desenho que simplesmente não chama atenção. As alterações do exterior são saias laterais, spoiler traseiro com brake-light em LEDs, parachoque traseiro esportivo e farois e lanternas fumê, sempre podendo vir nas cores preto ou prata.

O Sentra SR só tem um opção de motor, mas é um 2.0 16v bem moderno: conta com bloco de alumínio e comando de válvulas variável para gerar 143 cv tanto com álcool como com gasolina. Já o câmbio pode ser manual de seis marchas ou CVT. Seu pacote de itens de série traz ar-condicionado, sistema de som multimídia, airbag duplo, freios com ABS e EBD, vidros elétricos e volante revestido em couro.

Read more > Nissan Sentra SR

Saturday, September 24, 2011

Renault Logan Avantage

Avantage1Barateiro de nascença, ainda que tenha recebido um face-lift com intenção de lhe dar ares mais requintados o Logan não tem como negar que suas raízes são realmente o custo/benefício. E é esse espírito que motiva a série Avantage. Partindo de R$ 31.110, essa série está limitada a 2600 unidades, e se baseia na Authentique 1.0 16v (76/77 cv) para oferecer uma lista de itens de série um tanto mais atraente… considerando os padrões da categoria.

Esta versão está na medida certa para brigar com as versões básicas de Fiat Siena e VW Voyage, ambos sedãs pequenos mas com projetos mais avançados que o do Chevrolet Classic, por exemplo. Os adicionais que a série oferece são itens como vidros dianteiros e travas elétricos e direção hidráulica. Mas o grande diferencial deste modelo é seu espaço, com um entre-eixos de 2,6 metros que lhe dá espaço de carro médio, condizente com o porta-malas de 510 litros.

Read more > Renault Logan Avantage

Friday, September 23, 2011

Blogger / Amazon integration is finished - what are our options now?

This article is an update about the interation between Blogger and Amazon, and what options Blogger users have instead.

Blogger and Amazon working together ...

In December 2009, Blogger announced integration with Amazon (which was actually only integration with

At the time, there were hints that this was only the first of many new money-making  options and programmes for Bloggers.

These features were added to Blogger to support the integration:
  • Ability to sign up for on the Monetize tab
  • Existing users link their Blogger and Amazon account on the Monetize tab
  • A tick-box on the Monetize tab that let "amazon-integrated" bloggers turn on the Amazon-product-preview  without having to install the code
  • Amazon Product Finder (APF) - a gadget that bloggers could use in the the Post Editor, to make a link to a product from without leaving the Post Editor screen
  • A range of gadgets from Amazon were added to the list  in Add a Gadget 

... but not any more?

For months, there have been complaints in Blogger-help-forum that existing associates couldn't  link their Blogger and accounts on the Monetize tab any more: the function just returned an error, or appeared to work, but didn't actually storing the connection.

Now, with the release of Blogger's new interface, the Monetize tab has been renamed Earnings.  There's no mention of Amazon on it, and no sign of the Amazon Product Finder (APF) in the Post-editor.   And there are reports in Blogger-help-forum that people who had APF turned on in "old blogger" find that it's gone in the new interface - and is broken even if they switch back to the old interface.

On the site their official Amazon-Associates blog is now made with TypePad.   I know that I recently saw instructions about putting things (widgets?) into Blogger, that that these commented that blogger has a new look.   However the instruction were still based on the old interface.   And today, I can't find them at all.

There has been nothing said (that I've seen anyway) by either company.  But I think it's safe to assume that the Blogger / Amazon integration has been abandoned.

Why Did This Happen:

My guess is that there are two big issues.

Firstly, is a lot more than just a bookseller:  Google and Amazon are competitors in some areas (eg document storage), so there's bound to be some friction, even though they managed to agree a compromise in 2009.   And possibly that compromise wasn't profitable enough for either of them.

Second, and possibly more importantly, there is an internationalisation issue.

Blogger is a multi-lingual, multi-country platform:  different languages and cultures are catered for within the same platform and subject to the same terms and conditions.  Blogger users all live with the same rules, that are based on American law (eg the 13-year age limit, which is most probably based on America Children's Online Privacy Protection Act).

Amazon, on the other hand, have different platforms for different countries (even for Canada, vs for the USA+rest of the world).   This is understandable, because countries have  vastly different laws about on-line selling and taxes, so Amazon's rules need to be quite different in different places.  Even in the European Union,  we see regular updates to the terms and conditions that basically amount to the addition of new countries/languages - (for Spain) was the latest one - and these come with small rule-tweaks too.  These big differences mean that integration with a multi-national product like Blogger is not easy:   there would be lots of on-going issues with making the sites work well together.

My guess is that these two factors combined have killed off the integration.

What can bloggers do instead

You can still sign yourself up for (or, or .ca or whatever-other country), and make the links to products and Amazon-widgets yourself.   Personally, I think this better anyway, because it gives you control ove the look and feel (colours, backgrounds, tracking-IDs) used on the ads, and choices about where to install the HTML on your blog.

There is no alternative for the Amazon Product Finder gadget - except opening Amazon in a different tab, and making the links there as you need them.  It's little bit more work - but only just.

There are still gadgets in the Add a Gadget list  (from Layout in the new interface, Design > Page Elements in the old one) - you can find them under the features tab.

For now at least, it looks like Blogger's monetize tab is limited to AdSense , and it is a money-making option that you can sign up for from within Blogger.  (Even though there are a few vital extra steps that you should take, even though Blogger hasn't told you about them, like blocking certain ad-categories, and stopping malicious use of your AdSense ID).

And there are, of course, many other advertisting programmes and affiliate programmes that you can consider if AdSense doesn't work for your blog.

Related Articles:


Signing up for

Alternative advertising programmes

Stopping malicious use of your AdSense ID
Making links to products and Amazon-widgets yourself

Changing colours and design of advertisements

Installing the Amazon Product Preview code

Amazon / Blogger integration is with only
Read more > Blogger / Amazon integration is finished - what are our options now?

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Customizing the look and feel of your Amazon associate advertisements

If you are an Amazon Associates publisher, then you have a great deal of control over the color schemes used in your ads, and some control over the other elements.  This article describes the options that are open to you:  it's writen for Blogger users, but the info applies to all Amazon affiliates.

Easy links between Blogger and Amazon?

Between 2009-2011, Blogger and Amazon were integrated, and there were tools that made it very easy to put Amazon ads into blog posts.  However the integration is gone from the most recent version of Blogger - and besides, many publishers would prefer to customize the colour and style of ads on their site.

Amazon gives some control over these features - you simply need to log into their site, and set up the options that you want.

Making Amazon product ads that match your colour scheme.

Log in to whichever Amazon you're using.

From the row of tabs at the top of the screen, choose Links and Banners / Product links

Click the "Add Product Links Now" option

Search for the product you want to link to

From the list of products shown, click  "Get link" - it's the button on the right side of the screen

In the window that opens, you can edit the link properties.

Choose the type of link that you want:
  • Image and text (show a small picture of the product, a description and perhaps the price)
  • Text only (shows whatever text you choose, only)
  • Image only (shows a picture of the product - clicking the picture takes your reader to Amazon)
  • Add to widget  (these will be covered in another article)

The specific options that you can choose are different for each type of link - changing color is very popular for image-and-text links.  You may just want to choose a values from Amazon's colour-picker:  use the "ok" button at the bottom to apply your colour choice.

Or you may want to get the exacty value from your blog, by going into Blogger's colour selection tools,  choosing the item whose colour you want to use and coping the hex code (without the #) .and pasting it into the Amazon colour picker wind.

For image and text links, you can also choose whether to open links in a new window, picture size (limited to larger or smaller), and whether to show the item price or not.

Once you have finished copy the HTML from the "Get HTML Code For This Product Link" box at the bottom of the screen.

Put the HTML into your blog the same way you would add any other 3rd party HTML.   

Some examples of customized links:


The Principles of Beautiful Web Design

Related Articles:

Use different Amazons to use for different readers

Amazon / Blogger integration is no more.

Adding 3rd party HTML to your blog

Changing the colour-scheme in Blogger

Advertising and Blogger - things to consider
Read more > Customizing the look and feel of your Amazon associate advertisements

Nissan March

March1A marca japonesa decidiu que quer seus 5% do mercado nacional, e pelo jeito não está de brincadeira. Sua atual investida é nada menos que na guerra do segmento de entrada, em que brigam ferrenhamente veteranos como Ford Ka, Fiat Mille e VW Gol. E sua concorrência parece não sair muito destes modelos, já que o recente aumento do IPI para importados deve fazer novatas como Chery e JAC serem catapultadas de volta à China.

Nissan MarchAlém da já cansativa fórmula “muito equipamento e pouco preço”, o March se diferencia por usar a moderna plataforma V, com foco na construção mais fácil e de custo reduzido, além de ostentar um ótimo aproveitamento de espaço. Quanto a motores, a parceira Renault lhe fornece o 1.0 flex de 74 cv, que em novembro será acompanhado do 1.6 16v e de mais versões. A cabine traz linhas curvadas propondo um estilo jovial, ainda que este tema já tenha sido muito explorado pelo segmento no mundo.

Falando em design, o March é um daqueles carros que se encaixariam melhor em outra década. Por que seu desenho é futurista? De jeito nenhum. Suas formas arredondadas são simpáticas, mas lembram modelos dos anos 90, e isso não é um elogio; é o tipo de modelo que assim que perder o gosto de novidade vai envelhecer rápido. Afinal não tem personalidade: nem inclinação esportiva como o Gol, nem apoio na identidade da marca como o Chevrolet Celta e muito menos um fortíssimo carisma como o do Fiat Uno.

Mas fechando os olhos – ou se imaginando 15 anos atrás – podemos lembrar dos itens de série que ele já traz na versão básica, de R$ 27.790: airbag duplo, computador de bordo e conta-giros, com opção dos pacotes Plus (R$ 28.490) e Conforto (R$ 31.990). A 1.0 S agrega trio elétrico, ar-condicionado e direção elétrica, com rodas aro 15” como opcional, por R$ 33.390. O March oferece três anos de garantia e revisões programadas a cada 10 mil km, com a primeira saindo por R$ 149.

Read more > Nissan March

Friday, September 16, 2011

BMW ActiveHybrid 7

P90053837Já se começa a observar no Brasil uma reprodução do sangrento combate europeu entre Audi, BMW e Mercedes-Benz. Se esta última trouxe o primeiro híbrido importado oficialmente ao país, o S400 BlueHybrid, a BMW levou um ano mas agora vende o seu topo-de-linha com propulsão conjunta entre gasolina e eletricidade, ao preço de 546 mil reais. Entretanto, as vendas de um modelo desses por aqui ainda são ínfimas, então vê-los nas ruas será quase um milagre.

BMW ActiveHybrid 7O AH7 oferece o mesmo desenho que exala sofisticação sem perder as linhas que não hesitam em alardear o parentesco com o resto da gama BMW. A cabine oferece tantos itens de luxo que praticamente seria necessário outro artigo para listá-los, mas o destaque deste modelo está mesmo sobre o capô: um V8 4.4 Turbo e um motor elétrico trifásico com baterias de íons de lítio, cuja atuação conjunta proporciona 465 cv e 71,4 kgfm. Tanta força aliada a um câmbio automático de oito marchas dão ao modelo 0 a 100 km/h em 4,9 e máxima de 250 km/h.

Read more > BMW ActiveHybrid 7

Thursday, September 15, 2011

How to cut, copy and paste in Blogger's post editor

Blogger's post editor doesn't have buttons for cut, copy and paste.   Google Chrome doesn't have them in a top menu bar either.   Fortunately there are still (at least) three ways to move text around.

To my regular readers:You may think I've gone crazy, doing such a "simple" post. But I just answered a question about just this in the Blogger-help-forum.  When I tried googling the question no answers came up in the first page.  And I'm in a mood to write something simple to help newbie-bloggers (we were all new, once). Humour me, I'll be back with a more complex topic soon. Mary

What can you do in the Post Editor
The Post Editor is the tool that you use in Blogger to edit your posts and pages.
It has buttons for many of the things you would do in a word-processor and many other programs, such as:
  • un-do/re-do, 
  • choose the font, font size and highlighting (bold, italic, underline, strikethru)
  • choose the text and background colour
  • turn some text into a link
  • insert a picture or video
  • make the text left, centre or right aligned
  • numbered and bullet pointed lists
  • indenting a quote
  • check the spelling.
It also has a couple of Blogger (or perhaps Google)-specific functions:
  • adding a jump-break
  • removing all the formatting from a piece of text

But there is one set of very common functions that are missing: Cut, Copy and Paste. Fortunately there are a number of other ways to cut / copy / paste - you just need to know where to find them.

Option 1:  Use the browser menu

To see the  post editor, you must first be using a web-browser (eg Internet Explorer, Firefox, Chrome, Opera, Safari, etc) to connect to Blogger.

Most of the these browsers have an edit menu in the top left corner where it "should" be, and this menu has CCP.   So you can
  • Select the text you want to work with, or put the cursor into the place you want to copy to, and 
  • Choose cut, copy or paste from the browser menu.

Exceptions:  Google Chrome and IE9

In some newer browsers, instead of a menu bar, the toolbar has moved to the top right hand corner of the screen, just under the close-window button.   It's shown with a wrench in Chrome and a gear wheel in Internet Explorer, like this.

If you left-click on the wrench, you are shown a menu that has many of the options that are in "normal" browser windows, includng the edit options of cut, copy and paste (in small buttons).

There are also useful  option like to view the source code of the page - these are under the Tools item in the wrench-menu.

(There may be other exceptions too, I'm not familiar with browser software on Apple or Linux computers these days.)
Option 2:  Right-click
  • Select the text you want to work with, or put the cursor into the place you want to copy to
  • Right-click on it using your mouse or keypad button.
  • Choose the function you want from the small menu that opens in the middle of the screen (called a context menu).  (The options that are there will depend on your browser software - but even Chrome has cut, copy & paste)

Option 3:  Keyboard shortcuts
  • Select the text you want to work with, or put the cursor into the place you want to copy to
  • Press the keyboard short-cut for the function you want.

Some of the most common keyboard shortcut, and ones that definitely work in Blogger are:
ctrl / x - cut
ctrl / c - copy
ctrl / v - paste

ctrl / a - select all
ctrl / z - unto
ctrl / y - re-do

ctrl / b - bold
ctrl / i - italic
ctrl / u - underline
To do these, hold down the control key (it's sometimes labelled "ctrl") and press the letter-key will you are still holding ctrl.
To me, these are the quickest way to work, even though they take some learning to start with.

Related Articles:

Getting started with Blogger

Blogs, Blogger and bloggers, posts, pages and screens:  some definitions

How to put Posts into your Pages

The difference between Pages and Posts

Putting a picture into your post
Read more > How to cut, copy and paste in Blogger's post editor

Saturday, September 10, 2011

Nissan Sentra Unique

Unique1Aposto que você não lembrava que a Nissan tem um sedã médio à venda aqui. Esta marca teve a impressionante capacidade de oferecer modelos neutros ao extremo: até hoje sua linha não consegue chamar atenção no mercado, não consegue ser objeto de desejo por desempenho, preço, estilo… Nada. Isso deve explicar a campanha dos “pôneis malditos”, que alavancou as vendas da marca às custas de um gosto asqueroso em publicidade.

Nissan Sentra UniqueFelizmente a Nissan se valeu do requinte ao dar o atual passo rumo à competitividade: o Sentra ganha a série especial Unique, limitada em 300 unidades com preço de R$ 69.990 cada. Seu exterior consegue imponência com a cor preta (única opção), ponteira de escape cromada e farois e lanternas escurecidas, que combinam com as rodas exclusivas aro 16”. Seu motor é o 2.0 16v flex de sempre, que gera 143 cv e 20,3 kgfm de torque, movido pelo câmbio CVT.

O destaque do modelo é realmente o interior, que ostenta revestimento em tons claros exclusivos, com bancos e paineis de porta em couro bege, detalhes do painel em cinza e tapetes em marrom com o logo da série. E como a série parte da versão de topo SL, o pacote de itens é bem generoso: temos airbags laterais e de cortina, sistema de som multimídia com tela de 4,3” no console central, sistema keyless de entrar e ligar o motor, teto solar e câmera de ré, entre outros.

Read more > Nissan Sentra Unique

Options in Blogger's post-editor: where to find them

This article explains where to find the options for each post or page, in both the updated and older Blogger.

Where to find Post Options / Options:

Each individual post in Blogger has options that can set for it, including
  • The date it was (or is to be) published, 
  • How to handle HTML in the post
  • Whether to allow comments
  • Label(s) that are applied to it
These values for these are set in the Post Settings-Options / Post Options area:

In post-Sept-11 Blogger (the "new" interface)
The Post Settings bar is on the right hand side of the screen:  Click on Post Settings (unless it's already open), and under that there are separate sections for
  • Options (it has a gear-wheel beside it), 
  • Location, 
  • Published on 
  • Labels  

This shows the current values.for the post:  after you have changed them, you can press the Done button to hide that section again.

In pre-Sept-11 Blogger (the "old" interface)
Post Options is at the bottom of the post-editor screen, like this:.

Related Articles:

Explaining the new blogger interface - the challenges

Changing the date for a post

How line breaks are handled in blogger

Copying posts from one blog to another

Getting started with Blogger
Read more > Options in Blogger's post-editor: where to find them

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Set all the links in your blog to open in a new window - except if you use AdSense!

You can set your blog up so that all clicked links open in a new page.  But this is not a good idea if you are an AdSense publisher - this article explains why.

Making links open in a new tab

Sometimes, you need to refer to outside material in your blog:  your ability to quote it is controlled by copyright laws, so you may need to link to an outside source, rather than quoting it in full.

Blogger's Post Editor has a tool for changing some text into a link - and it's been much easier to use since they added a check-box turns the "open on a new tab / window"  option on/of.   If you tick this option, then the post-editor automatically adds target="_blank"  (the HTML code for this) to your link.

For example
< a href=""> Blogger-HAT's Home Page </a>
< a href="" target="_blank"> Blogger-HAT's Home Page </a>

Doing it automatically

Occasionally there are requests in the Blogger Help Forum like
"How can I make all the links in my blog open in a new window" 
These often cone from people new to Blogger who, understandably, want to keep the traffic on their site.

There are ways to do this, provided you're willing to accept the disadvantages of editing your template - this explanation shows how to do it.    Although this approach works, the advice in the help-forum usually includes a warning to think very carefully about whether you really want your visitors to see a new page whenever they look at your own "about" page or one of your older posts.

Another option is to set the blog up so that only external links (ones to pages outside your own URL) open in a new window - one way to do that is described here.

But there is one issue that's often not mentioned:  the relationship between this command, and the terms and conditions of other tools that you may be using on your blog.

It's not a good idea for AdSense publishers

The last time I read AdSense's terms and conditions, it was very clear that when a user clicks on an AdSense ad in your site, the ad must open in the existing window:  advertisers are paying for your viewers full attention, not to have them still thinking about YOUR website!

I'm no lawyer, but it seems clear to me that setting your links to automatically open in new pages would be a clear violation of this.

So based on this, I would recommend that
If you use AdSense,
Then don't install auto-new-page code into your template, and check that any 3rd party templates that you use don't have this feature either.  

If this advice worries you, you may like to use an alternative advertising programme:  it seems that Chitika, at least, does let you customise your ads in this way.

It's fine to open individual links on a new page - just don't do it for all of them.

Disclaimer:  this advice is based on my interpretation of the Terms and Conditions.   Caveat emptor.  Always read the terms and conditions yourself,  every publisher is responsible for making sure that their site complies.

Related Articles:

Setting up AdSense on your blog

Alternative advertising programmes

Copyright, blogs and bloggers

Advantages and disadvantages of editing your template

Extra customization of Chitika ads

Other tools you may like to use on your blog
Read more > Set all the links in your blog to open in a new window - except if you use AdSense!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Chevrolet Cruze

Cruze1Propagandas na TV, vários modelos pré-série flagrados circulando com cada vez menos disfarces e até espaço no site da marca como lançamento futuro já apontam que o Cruze finalmente chegou no país, para substituir o lendário Vectra com incontáveis ganhos, seja na versão LT - manual R$ 67.900 e automática R$ 69.900 - ou na LTZ, esta sempre automática e custando R$ 78.900.

Chevrolet CruzeAgora a Chevrolet volta a oferecer um modelo mundial no segmento de médios, depois da vergonha de vender um Astra europeu sob o nome do que já foi ícone de desejo. Seu novo sedã tem linhas muito modernas, que transpiram o novo DNA da marca em qualquer ângulo: seja pelas laterais retilíneas e de linha de cintura alta e traseira com lanternas esportivas e ligadas pela faixa cromada, para não falar da clássica frente com grade bipartida.

Mas o gosto de falar deste lançamento só aumenta conforme buscamos mais detalhes: a cabine segue o conceito de cockpit duplo, com um desenho de console que se funde às linhas do painel para que estas prossigam pelas portas, trazendo uma incrível sensação de amplidão de espaço, aliada à modernidade do quadro de instrumentos e do volante multifuncional.

Amplo também é o pacote de equipamentos, em que a LT já traz ar-condicionado digital, quatro airbags, sistema de som multimídia, trio elétrico, freios ABS, farois de neblina e bonitas rodas de liga leve. Já a LTZ defende o topo da gama com itens de luxo como airbags de cortina, tela em LCD no console central, sistema de entrada sem chave, GPS e bancos de couro em cor que combina com a do detalhe do painel.

E sob o capô? O primeiro adeus ao velho 2.0 do Monza! O Cruze traz um moderno 1.8 16v Ecotec, que já é flex e promete maior economia com menor emissão de poluentes. Além disso, entrega 140 cv ao abusar de tecnologias como duplo comando de válvulas variável. E com um câmbio igualmente novo de seis marchas, seja mecânico ou automático sequencial.

Read more > Chevrolet Cruze

Friday, September 2, 2011

Volkswagen SpaceCross

MalagrineFox + Space + Cross? A VW percebeu o excesso de nomes nesta linha, mas como a perua original se chama SpaceFox e retirar o nome Space resultaria no CrossFox, agora é nada menos que o nome do próprio modelo que sai: acabamos de receber a SpaceCross, que se vale do nome esquisito e de um pacote de itens bem atraente para tentar o que a vegetativa antecessora Parati nunca conseguiu nem com suas incontáveis versões e séries especiais do passado: oferecer concorrência decente à pioneira Fiat Palio Adventure.

Seu visual segue a linha do hatch e também faz lembrar os primos Gol Rallye e Saveiro Cross, trazendo bonitos parachoques dianteiros com tomada de ar tipo colmeia e rodas em tom grafite, além de apliques de plástico preto pela carroceria e falsos estribos laterais. Porém, no quesito técnico ela apenas ganha a suspensão elevada, já que não veio o estepe fixado na tampa traseira.

Volkswagen SpaceCrossA cabine mudou ainda mais timidamente: temos pedaleiras esportivas, e bancos e manopla do câmbio com a inscrição Cross. Entretanto, ela procura compensar com um farto pacote de série, incluindo ar-condicionado, direção hidráulica, trio elétrico, computador de bordo, airbag duplo e freios ABS. Outros itens típicos da linha Fox em geral são a gaveta porta-objetos sob o banco do motorista e as mesinhas tipo avião atrás dos bancos dianteiros, próprios de minivans e que foram seu diferencial na época do lançamento, justamente por terem sido incorporados em compactos.

Se o exterior recebeu poucas mudanças e o interior quase nenhuma, sob o capô não é difícil de adivinhar o que ela traz: o mesmíssimo 1.6 flex usado em quase toda a linha nacional da marca, que desenvolve até 104 cv e que faz pensar como deve ser o desempenho que trará a um modelo como esse, que sofre com o peso elevado e com a aerodinâmica comprometida pelos adereços off-road. O câmbio automatizado I-Motion também faz sua presença mas como opcional, levando o modelo de R$ 58 mil a R$ 60.490.

Read more > Volkswagen SpaceCross

Thursday, September 1, 2011

New Blogger interface VS existing help-articles

This article explains the approach I'm taking to converting the advice in this blog to the new Blogger interface which was released in August 2011.

And it asks for ideas about the best way to describe where to find things in the new tool.

A new user-interface for Blog-writers:

Boy-with-binocularsEarlier this year, Google announced that they were working on a new look for the tool that we use to write our blogs.  Since then, we've been able to use this tool, in various forms in Blogger-in-Draft.

This week, they've announced that this new tool is available in "production" blogger.   ("Production" anything is geek-ese for the real version of it.)

As with lots of Google's new interfaces, there is
  • A button on the old version to go to the new one, and
  • A button on the new version to go back to the old one, and
Based on what's happened in other Google tools that have had new interfaces, my guess is that  we can expect these buttons to be around for quite a while.  Most probably, the option to go back won't be removed, but it will become irrelevant as ever-newer features are introduced to the "new" version only.

New front-end, old help-articles:

As well as the Blogger-help-forum, there are many other blogs (including this one) about "how to do things in Blogger".   I've described these before, and also made the Blogger-helpers-search tool which does a Google Custom Search of the best (IMHO) ones.

The new-look Blogger means that the advice in these blogs is (potentially) out-of-date, at least for people who are using the new interface.   And very soon, there will be new Blogger-users who've never seen the old interface and are really confused when someone says "go to the dashboard, choose Design > Page Elements and ..." - because they won't even know that the main Blogger screen used to be called the Dashboard.

So we've all got a challenge of updating our advice to reflect how things are done in new-Blogger.   Personally, I'm not so delighted about this:  I've spent most of my Blogger-HAT time in the last three months re-writing every single article to apply consistent formatting (Blogger-HAT started out as a place to keep all my working notes for myself) and quality standards to each article.  I will be updating my articles again, but in the meantime ...

Advice in Blogger-HAT is based on using the updated editor in pre-Sept-2011-Blogger, unless otherwise stated.

Which version of Blogger?

Today, it makes sense to talk about "new Blogger" and "old Blogger".    But it won't be long before "new" isn't so new anymore.    Personally I'm going to refer to:


the current "production" version


The "old" version (which inludes the old and updated editor options under Settngs > Basics)

Draft Blogger

The experimental version where Google are trying out new things

Describing Blogger Commands

This week's changes mean we have another challenge in writing how-do instructions for Blogger.

Previously, the links to do things inside Blogger were labelled with text.  We could say
"go to the Dashboard, choose Edit Profile, find Identify and ...",  or even "Dashboard > Edit Profile > Identify".   And people who couldn't see where the command was could just use their Browser's help tool to search for the right place.

But now, small pictures (ie icons) are used instead.

picture of new buttons in Blogger's post editor:  the quick edit pencil (blue square, the options drop-down - red circle, and view - green triangle)

So we need to find a way to descibe the new features which is
  1. Understandable - especially by people who are new to Google / Blogger, and who don't know that the small round thing with bumps is called a gear-wheel, and is where Google usually hides the "setting" and "tools" type of commands, and
  2. Concise enough so that articles and help-forum answers look readable  (eg needing to say "the small down-arrow to the right of the blog-name in the main blogger screen" every time I talk about that arrow).

Right now, I'm not sure how do this, and would love to hear any ideas you have about how I can describe the tools availabe from Blogger's screens - please use the comments below to let me know how you would like to see things described.

Related Articles:

New Blogger interface announcement

Introducing the Blogger-helpers-search tool

Blogger-helpers-search tool

Adding a Google Custom Search to your blog

Using tables to display data in your blog.

Blogs, Blogger and bloggers - an introduction
Read more > New Blogger interface VS existing help-articles
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