Sunday, January 29, 2012

Guide To Android: Why Root?

Many Android users may be asking themselves “Why root my Android device?” and there are many reasons behind this.
First and foremost “rooting” givers users complete and total control and freedom of their Android device. By “rooting” your device you not only gain complete control over the system, but you get the added bonus of deciding on how you want your device to run and are able to tweek it to your liking.
More after the break

Below are the top 3 reasons to “root’ your Android device and the benifits that come along with “rooting”:
Number one is improved performance. By “rooting” your device you gain control of many options that can improve performance on your device. Relocating the cache of such system applications, like the Android Market and Browser, and moving them to the SD card can significantly improve how your device runs. Another option to improve how your device runs is “Overclocking”. Overclocking is the process that is used to speed up a device and make it run at a higher clock rate. While it may sound like a difficult process, thanks to apps on the Android Market it can be done very easily.
Custom Roms is another reason that many people “root” their devices. A custom rom is basically a version of the operating system, including the kernel, that has been customized by a third party. Custom Roms are remodeled versions of the stock rom (the one that came preloaded on your device) that has been stripped or “crapware”, been optimized, has been added to, and is usually better than the stock rom.
Updates is another reason why many Android users “root” their device. If you have noticed Android has a tendency to have a new “flavor” every few months or so and while they have slowed down on their updates many Android devices are stuck two or three updates behind. One way to overcome having to wait and see if your device will be updated is by “rooting”. By “rooting” your device you are given the option and ability to “flash” a developers custom rom. Thanks to many of the developers out there we have seen Android updates come out at lightning speeds for their custom roms.
Now while those are only three of the reasons why an Android user should “root” their device, there are many many more. The best thing to do if you are thinking about “rooting” your device is research. While this is a fairly simple proccess you should still learn all there is about “rooting” and what capabilities it will give you and your device. By reading this article you have taken the first step.
Now go on and continue with your “rooting” fun.

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