Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Next Android OS - KOLACHE

A lot of rumors out there for naming of Android’s next OS. Manu Cornet, one of Google employee ignited the rumor through GooglePlus. He added another android robot with a “pie” like food in hand in one of his post to visualize the evolution of android versions. Thus the rumor hiped so much to guess a name of their next OS version.

As everybody determining there would be another dessert food item to be included as the successor of “Jelly Bean”. And from the past experience and continuity, people guessing there could be “Key Lime Pie” or “KLP”. Previous versions ware Cupcake, Donut, Éclair, Froyo, Gingerbread, Honeycomb, Ice Cream Sandwich and Jelly Bean, so this time they would continue with the letter “K” and here comes the key lime pie. But, Manu Cornet disagreed to confirm anyhow about this naming process.

Evolution of Android OS Versions, Cupcake,Donut,Eclair,Froyo,Gingerbread,Honeycomb,ICS,KLP

This is by no means a confirmation of any kind :-) I have no insider knowledge whatsoever about Android, this was purely based on public information/rumors. (Longer story: at first I hadn't drawn the rightmost robot at all, but then I thought the drawing would be outdated as soon as a new version/dessert would come out, so I thought I'd take one extra step, using the best guesses for the name currently out there, so that the drawing wouldn't be outdated so soon.

In India a big campaign started known as “KajuKatli forAndroid” to influence the naming of android’s next version as “KAJUKATLI”, a delicious dessert made of cashew nuts, sugar and ghee. The campeigners also sent some sweet Kaju Katli to Google masterminds if they could possibly understand the flavor of this sweety. It’s started with “K” also, mind it. And 2K is better than 1K… (If you want the recipe of Kaju Katli you can find a very good and quick recipe from Indian Master Chef Sanjeev Kapoor and Raks Kitchen.

Though, I think, Google could announce “KOLACHE” as their next version of android OS. You know what, Kolache also much popular in USA and originating from Europe. “Android Kolache” sounds good also far better than “Key Lime Pie”. You can get all the good and quick recipes of Kolaches from All Recipes.

Android Kolache,Next android OS version

My second choice would be "Android Kifli ", another K starter crescent shaped pastry. We have to wait for Google's announcement next year (2013). Till then ... keep guessing... and go Google, name it KOLACHE.

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**Disclaimer:Information and images collected mainly from manufacturer's website, manuals, user guides and some other online resources. Only some editorial touch given for better understanding and viewing experience. Author of this blog will not bear any liabilities on this regards.



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