Saturday, November 24, 2012

iPad mini: Missing in action

What we’re missing from new iPad mini:

  1. Retina Display: No doubt about that. Mini should have this instead of IPS display.
  2. Flash with rear camera: Definitely man, I think they’ve forgotten to add this.
  3. Google Maps: After iPhone 5’s great humiliating failure of Maps app, Cupertino company  should’ve been used Google’s instead.
  4. External memory slot: Who will suggest them to add a little slot of external memory!!! Extra memory card not only for storage, but also for file sharing to and from other devices. (Maybe to and from Android products, lol)
  5. Budget: Ya, man. I’m suppose to buy some ET products with this budget. Or at least book a ticket to the Moon. Oh, no, no, I’ll stick to iPad mini rather not to bother with NASA.
  6. Screen Resolution: Comparing with its predecessor iPad 3, it is much gloomy. Could have been better. Free suggestion to Apple CEO.
  7. In-box Earpods: This is total business. First, they introduced such a good earpods free with iPhone 5 and now you have to buy it extra. What a shame to this business policy!!! All they want is suck $29.00 from our pockets.
  8. Power: Competing with androids and still you’re using 512MB RAM and Dual-Core processor. Pity on you. Where every android smartphone manufacturers trying to get Tegra 3 processor with 1GB RAM, you the only opposite contender still launching new products with less power. Oh GOD, please send some heavenly message to them. (Steve Jobs could pursue in this case)
Maybe, after getting a motivational dream or that heavenly message or even if somehow, Mr.Tim Cook found this blog and realizes what to do next with iPad mini. I’ll wait for their second production. Your money, you decide. Chaos.

Two sample comparative image below for your quick comparison with iPad 3 resolution. Images are collected from Cultofmac, a good review site.

Text comparison of iPad mini and iPad 3
Text clarity on iPad mini and iPad 3

Image comparison of iPad mini and iPad 3, Instagram image on iPad mini and iPad 3
Image quality on iPad mini and iPad 3

If you think that any of these information contains wrong information and need an upgrade or change, please kindly inform via comment box below. Your valuable comments will definitely make this blog rich and informative also.

**Disclaimer:Information and images collected mainly from manufacturer's website, manuals, user guides and some other online resources. Only some editorial touch given for better understanding and viewing experience. Author of this blog will not bear any liabilities on this regards.



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