Saturday, July 31, 2010

Showing image-only AdSense ads in your blog

This article is about how to show image-only AdSense ads in your blog.

Blogger and AdSense

It's easy to Set up AdSense on your Blog: Just go to Monetize > AdSense - and then follow the prompts to apply for an account.

Once you've been approved, it's easy to put AdSense ads into your blog:
  • Design > Page Elements > Add a Gadget > Adsense - for ads in your sidebar, header, footer etc
  • Design > Page Elements >  Blog Posts (edit) - for ads in between posts

But the advertisement format options that Blogger provides for are limited: you can only choose either text-only or image-and-text ads.  There is (currently) no option for image-only ads.

To guarantee that your blog displays image ads only, you need to get the ad-code from AdSense, and put it into an HTML-Javascript gadget or inside a Post (or Page)

How to display image only ads:

Log into AdSense with the Google-account that you use to manage your ads.   (There may be some cases where this is not the same Google account that you use to manage the blog where the ad is displayed)

2 Go into the AdSense Setup > Get Ads tab.

3  Choose AdSense for Content

Configure your ad:

Work through the items in the wizard to (I like to choose single-page, so everything is visible at once).   If you've chosen the Ad Unit radio button, then beside it there is a drop-down that lets you choose:
  • Text-and-image, 
  • Text-only, 
  • Image-only.

5  At then end of the wizard, you are shown some HTML code.    Copy and paste that code.

6  Go to Blogger (with the account you use for the blog).

Place the ad:
  • If it's going in a gadget, Choose Design > Page Layout > Add a Gadget > HTML-Javascript     and paste the copied code into the Contents field.   Save the new gadget, and drag-and-drop it to wherever you want  

To request image-only for the ads that are shown at the bottom of individual posts (via Design > Page Layout > Blog Posts/edit), you would need to edit the design-template.  Instructions for this will vary depending on what template you have, and are beyond the scope of this article.   But you can put a gadget at the bottom of all the blog-posts that are shown on a screen - just make the gadget the usual way, and drag it to underneath the Blog Posts gadget

Related Articles: 

Putting AdSense ads inside Blogger posts

Blocking categories of AdSense ads from your Blog

Stop malicious use of your AdSense account ID

Setting up AdSense on your Blog



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